Biodiversity Policy and the Convention on Biological Diversity

I joined Newcastle University as a post doctoral researcher in species related biodiversity policy in July 2023.
I work with the IUCN SSC Global Biodiversity Framework Task Force to support the implementation of Target 4 of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) - the target that highlights the need for urgent action to prevent species extinctions.
Building on a critical criminological foundation, I aim to bring more of a focus to holistic conservation approaches rooted in decolonial ecological justice, human rights, and the rights of nature.
The Global Biodiversity Framework Task Force brings together a network of IUCN Species Survival Commission members and conservation specialists to aid governments, policymakers, and practitioners in the implementation of the species related goals and targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
In addition to working with the Task Force, I also developed the logo and website - where you can find more information, updates, and support tools!


April 2024 - MOTH Project
I joined the Global Program on More-Than-Human-Rights for an intensive 5 day course bringing together the Indigenous People of Sarayaku, lawyers, activists, ecologists, judges and scholars to consider the Rights of Nature.
June 2024 - Attending POLLEN Political Ecology Conference
I joined a panel on Animal Political Ecology to present my research using empathetic narratives to understand wildlife crime. I also joined a panel on geopolitics, conflict and justice in conservation to discuss the tensions between values and worldviews in the Global Biodiversity Framework.
See book of abstracts.

June 2024 - Attending the European Congress of Conservation Biology
I presented my research in two panels. First, I demonstrated the overlap between legal and illegal networks in European eel fisheries and trade as part of a wider panel on Europe's role in international wildlife trade. I also presented on the trade-offs and compromises made to agree the Global Biodiversity Framework.
See book of abstracts.
October 2024 - Attending the Convention on Biological Diversity Cop-16
I attended CoP-16 with Newcastle University colleagues and focussed on negotiations around Article 8(j) and the diverse values of nature.

In advance of CBD CoP-16, myself, Phil McGowan, and Anthony Zito analysed Section C - the 'Considerations' of the Global Biodiversity Framework. This is currently available as a preprint (and under review). The policy brief, distributed at CoP-16, summarises major findings and discussion points.