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In August 2022 I started a post-doc position at the University of Sheffield with the Beastly Business team. This project investigates the trade, consumption, and exploitation of European bears, songbirds, and the European eel, with my focus on the latter. As a highly endangered and also traded species, there are plenty of avenues for a green criminological investigation into harms, crimes, and the business of eel trade in Europe.


For updates on the project take a look at the Beastly Business website.


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September 2022 - I visited Frampton County Fair for their adaptation of a traditional El-ver eating competition.

For an overview of events, plus a visit to the Diglis weir fish pass see here.
November 2022 - Attending CITES CoP-19

The European eel was discussed on the first day of the conference, I have summarised the main points in the Beastly Business blog - 
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December 2022 - Attending the Convention on Biological Diversity Cop-15

Dr Teresa Lappe-Osthege and I attended the first week of the conference and have written about the negotiations here. 

Reflecting on CITES CoP-19

With CITES turning 50 in 2023, I discuss the outcomes from CoP-19 and reflect on the dynamics between the commodification, sustainable use, and trade of wildlife. 

With the converging biodiversity and climate crisis and global, social, and economic inequalities, we should also be questioning how and why certain wildlife are exploited or protected and how we can do better to reduce those inequalities and injustices that continue to harm people, wildlife, and the planet.


To mark 'World Wildlife Day' Dr Teresa Lappe-Osthege and I wrote about global biodiversity governance in the Green European Journal.  We focus our attention on the role of CITES and the CBD to regulate and protect European wildlife. 
Policy Briefs & films
We have written a series of four policy briefs covering the cross-cutting themes of our research, each accompanied with a video introduction. 
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